
Global Government

Industry Leading Guidance and Solutions

ABS provides global governments and government agencies with comprehensive guidance in the marine and offshore sectors. Our solutions cover recognized standards, maritime advisory, new technology development, certification and more. ABS is the leading government classification society supporting the design, construction and sustainment of government vessels for over 100 years. 


Explore Global Government

man reading a magazine; Shutterstock ID 232190992; purchase_order: Graphics; job: ; client: Chris Reeves; other:
Rules and Guides for Naval Ships

Supporting continuous improvement cycles and recommendations for naval ships

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels

Service Life Evaluation Program

Evaluating every vessel’s condition to mitigate risk, downtime and repair costs

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels

man reading a magazine; Shutterstock ID 232190992; purchase_order: Graphics; job: ; client: Chris Reeves; other:
Rules and Guides for Naval Ships

Supporting continuous improvement cycles and recommendations for naval ships

Service Life Evaluation Program

Evaluating every vessel’s condition to mitigate risk, downtime and repair costs

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels

Explore Global Government

man reading a magazine; Shutterstock ID 232190992; purchase_order: Graphics; job: ; client: Chris Reeves; other:
Rules and Guides for Naval Ships

Supporting continuous improvement cycles and recommendations for naval ships

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels

Service Life Evaluation Program

Evaluating every vessel’s condition to mitigate risk, downtime and repair costs


Global Government News




Other Services

Digital crime by an anonymous hacker - Image

Providing the industry’s most simple and scalable cybersecurity method 

Condition-Based Survey

Improving the long-term integrity and performance of vessels after construction

Autonomy Guide Banner

Guidance for the implementation and operation of autonomous and remote-control functions

container cargo ship in ocean water transportation networks industry maritime freight concept export thank to international Singapore cargo yard port.

Industry-leading sustainability guidance and solutions for the marine and offshore industries

Vessel Life-Cycle Services

Support for the design, construction and sustainment of naval and government fleets of vessels


Providing Tanker owners and operators with the latest guidance and solutions needed to achieve their goals.


Assisting Containership owners and operators in tackling their most pressing operational and regulatory challenges. 

Bulk Carriers

Providing classification services and unique solutions to assist Bulk Carrier owners.