Approval and Certifications

Service Suppliers




Be Recognized and Certified as an ABS Service Supplier 

Service suppliers provide specialized capabilities to equipment manufacturers, shipyards, shipowners, or other clients to support classification and/or statutory surveys, equipment manufacturing, inspection, testing and maintenance activities.


Benefits of ABS Service Supplier Recognition

  • Demonstrates commitment to safety and quality

  • Readily searchable in the ABS Global Service Supplier Database

  • Expands market visibility to worldwide customer network

  • Demonstrates conformity to recognized industry standards and applicable ABS Rules

  • Validates competencies and capabilities


List of Services Types

I. Classification and Statutory Categories (Guided by IACS UR Z17)

  • Automatic Identification Systems

  • Cable Transit Seal Systems Inspection

  • Fire Extinguishing Equipment and Systems

  • Hull Gauging and ESP Hull Gauging

  • Inflatable Life Raft, Inflatable Lifejacket, Inflatable Rescue Boat, Hydrostatic Release Service Stations and Marine Evacuation System

  • In-Water Survey by Divers and/or Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)

  • Inspection of Low Location Lighting Systems

  • Maintenance, thorough Examination, Operational Testing, Overhaul and Repair of Lifeboats and Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear

  • Measurements of Noise Level On Board Ships

  • Radio Communication Equipment

  • Remote Inspection Techniques by Drones, ROVs, Unmanned Robotic Arms, Climbers and Other Means

  • Ro/ro Ships’ Bow, Stern, Side and Inner Doors Examination

  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and Emergency Escape Breathing Devices

  • Shore-Based Maintenance of Satellite Emergency Position Radio Beacons (EPIRB)

  • Sound Pressure Level Measurements of Public Address and General Alarm Systems On Board Ships

  • Testing of Coating Systems

  • Tightness Testing of Closing Appliances

  • Tightness Testing of Primary and Secondary Barriers of LNG Carriers

  • Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) and Simplified VDR

  • Biological Testing of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS)

  • Inventory of Hazardous Materials


New categories and services are frequently added on a case-by-case basis.

II. Classification Categories (Required by ABS Rules and Guides)


  • Ambient Environmental Testing (Noise Testing, Lighting Testing, Whole Body Vibration, Indoor Climate Testing)
  • Condition Monitoring
  • ABS CyberSafety® Services*
  • Dropped Objects Inspection
  • In-Service Hull Stability Verification
  • Integrated Software Quality Management (ISQM)*
  • Nondestructive Test (NDT), Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) and Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
  • Pressure Vessel Manufacturers*
  • Smart Functions*
  • Underwater Noise Measurement

New categories and services are frequently added on a case-by-case basis.

II. Other Categories 

  • Asset Layup and Reactivation

  • Home Office and Agents ISO9001 Certification*

  • Inspection and Maintenance Services

  • Manufacturing Supporting Activities

  • Offshore Facility Monitoring

  • Polar Code

  • Testing Laboratory


New categories and services are frequently added on a case-by-case basis.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Get recognized and certified with our Service Supplier Program. 




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ABS Service Provider logo

"ABS Recognized Service Supplier logo for marketing purpose in association with the recognized service types during the certificate validity. The artwork can be obtained by emailing".